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Curatorial Statement

Show me Your Mask 20/21

"There is an interesting phenomenon that one can view an artist's work internationally through the Internet.  It has given me the ability to curate based on on-line social media posts."

"The most significant insight for me as an artist during Covid-19 is to state that

Creativity will keep Us Sane."




The word "mask" appeared in English in the 1530s, from Middle French masque "covering to hide or guard the face", derived in turn from Italian maschera, from Medieval Latin masca "mask, specter, nightmare".[1] This word is of uncertain origin, perhaps from Arabic maskharah مَسْخَرَۃٌ "buffoon", from the verb sakhira "to ridicule". However, it may also come from Provençal mascarar "to black (the face)" (or the related Catalan mascarar, Old French mascurer). This in turn is of uncertain origin – perhaps from a Germanic source akin to English "mesh", but perhaps from mask- "black", a borrowing from a pre-Indo-European language.[2] One German author claims the word "mask" is originally derived from the Spanish más que la cara (literally, "more than the face" or "added face"), which evolved to "máscara", while the Arabic "maskharat" – referring to the buffoonery which is possible only by disguising the face – would be based on these Spanish roots.[3] Other related forms are Hebrew masecha= "mask"; Arabic maskhara مَسْخَرَ = "he ridiculed, he mocked", masakha مَسَخَ = "he transformed" (transitive).



La palabra "máscara" apareció en inglés en la década de 1530, del francés medio masque "cubrir para ocultar o proteger el rostro", derivado a su vez del italiano maschera, del latín medieval masca "máscara, espectro, pesadilla". [1] Esta palabra es de origen incierto, quizás del árabe maskharah مَسْخَرَۃٌ "bufón", del verbo sakhira "ridiculizar". Sin embargo, también puede provenir del provenzal mascarar "a negro (la cara)" (o el relacionado catalán mascarar, mascurer francés antiguo). Esto, a su vez, tiene un origen incierto - tal vez de una fuente germánica similar al inglés "mesh", pero tal vez de mask - "black", un préstamo de una lengua preindoeuropea. [2] Un autor alemán afirma que la palabra "máscara" se deriva originalmente del español más que la cara (literalmente, "más que la cara" o "cara agregada"), que evolucionó a "máscara", mientras que el árabe "maskharat" - refiriéndose a la payasada que sólo es posible disfrazar el rostro - estaría basada en estas raíces españolas. [3] Otras formas relacionadas son hebreo masecha = "máscara"; Árabe maskhara مَسْخَرَ = "se burló, se burló", masakha مَسَخَ = "se transformó" (transitivo). Nov. 24, 2020

"20/20 was coined by my good friend an artist, Kerry Kilmartin,  who described this year as an opportunity to seek an alternative vision.  As things progressed in regards to Covid-19, everything has become obscure. To make sense of the insanity, I have called out to artists to interpret their point of view. "

"There is a unwritten rule, what can be exposed through images often can not be said in words." 

                                                                                                                                         Debra Dedyluk Artist/Curator

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